Well, Phonetics or Phonology?
Phonetics deals with the production of
sounds by humans, often without prior knowledge of the language being spoken.
Picture taken from http://image.slidesharecdn.com/phoneticsandphonology-131112183127-phpapp01/95/slide-1-638.jpg?cb=1384302758 |
Phonology is about patterns of sounds,
especially different patterns of sounds in different languages, or within each
language, different patterns of sounds in different positions in words etc.
Picture taken from http://cdn.memegenerator
.net/instances/400x/35292292.jpg |
"Don't worry, you are on the right track to know what Phonetics and Phonology is all about."
"As Dr.PhoneticsandPhonology will help you as much as they can"
The course will enable students to evaluate basic information on English phonetics and phonology from other sources and relate to what is being
in class, give simple comments on basic information provided by other
sources on phonetics and phonology and appreciate the gift from God, that is,
the ability for human to speak.
there are two perspectives from which we can describe vowels and consonants, a phonetic and a phonological one. On this page, we will adopt the first
perspective and try to establish some general features that enable us to
distinguish between the two different sound classes.